Academic Enrichment

Academic Enrichment Program (CCS-AEP)

At CCS, we strive to serve the needs of all our students to ensure academic progress and success. In addition to the differentiated instruction provided by the classroom teacher, CCS, through its Academic Enrichment Program, provides targeted assistance services which are led by personnel who will work with students in one-on-one or small group settings. These services are accessed via a referral from the classroom teacher. Possible topics may include reading, writing, K-8 math, or organization/study skills.  These sessions are scheduled to limit the interruption of content instruction provided by the regular grade level teacher. Other services may include screening and diagnostic assessment, classroom observations, and other designated support services as needed. The CCS Academic Enrichment Program is an integrated effort that is reflective of our school’s philosophy and curriculum. Contact Jeannie Brown at for more information.

The CCS Academic Support Program offers the following:

  • Personnel who work closely with the students, parents, and teachers  
  • Small teacher to student ratio for optimal effectiveness  
  • Liaison services coordinating efforts between the administration, faculty, and families 
  • Research-based support, strategy training, and study skills instruction  
  • Progress monitoring and documentation through parent/teacher contact and progress updates  
  • Assistance in interpreting diagnostic reports and test assessments to develop an appropriate instructional plan  
  • If needed, coordination with administration, teachers, parents, and support staff in the development of a student’s individual accommodation plan. Accommodations are supports and services provided to help a student access the school’s curriculum and to validly demonstrate learning in his/her regular classroom setting. While the content of the curriculum is not altered, the presentation, response, setting, and timing and scheduling may be considered. Minor accommodations for children with a mild disability/exceptionality may be made on a case by case basis as approved by the Head of School, with input from the Lower School Principal, child’s teachers, and/or educational specialists.
Mrs. Jeannie Brown

Mrs. Jeannie Brown

AEP Coordinator