The Arts

Lessons and Carols

To celebrate the birth of Christ, each December we present a Festival of Lessons and Carols. This is a traditional concert of scripture and song, including scripture lessons from the Old Testament Messaianic prophecies and the Gospel accounts of Christ’s birth, illustrated by traditional hymns, praise songs, and choral anthems.

Lower School Art

Lower School art provides an opportunity for hands-on experiences in producing art, enhanced by the integration of art history, art criticism, and aesthetic critiques. Attention is given to man’s God-given potential to create while also learning to appreciate the beauty and order God has displayed throughout creation. Click photo to enlarge.

Annual Musical Performance


Mary Poppins

Classical education would not be complete without performing arts.  Christ Covenant has an active performing arts department. It is a tradition at the Upper School to perform an annual musical. In the past, our drama / theater students have entertained us with the likes of Peter Pan, Into the Woods, Mary Poppins (pictured above) and Happy Days.

Upper School Art

Upper School art provides students the opportunity to continue their studies. As with all subjects, students are expected to develop and grow their talents during this time. They also learn to constructively critique their own work in the process.  Students are able to express themselves through various mediums while learning new techniques. It is not uncommon to have a local artist visit and share their expertise. Click photo to enlarge.

Spring Concert

As music is an integral part of the Classical Quadrivium, CCS begins at the Junior Kindergarten level through high school to teach students the beauty, truth, and goodness of music. CCS provides students the opportunity to perform a Spring Concert and to share with the community their gained musical skills. Through expressions of singing, playing instruments such as recorder, hand chimes, ukulele, piano, orchestral, band, rhythm, and Orff instruments, the students present a program of educational and entertaining content. The listener is provided an experience that gives them a feast of musical styles and genres included in the development of Western music.